Florida State University
Florida State University
Florida State University
Florida A & M University
Florida State University
Florida State University
Florida State University
Florida A & M University
Florida State University
Florida State University
Florida State University
Florida State University
College of Pharmacy & Research Wing
Florida A&M University

This project was carried out in two phases and provided new facilities for the College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The College of Pharmacy Phase I is approximately 62,000 GSF. The building includes teaching, office and student support spaces. The Ground Floor contains one 200-seat tiered lecture hall, two 180-seat tiered lecture halls, one 75-seat tiered distance learning lab, one 500-seat tiered auditorium, building services and mechanical spaces. The Second Floor contains a student lounge, student lockers, teaching laboratories, study rooms, and building services. The Third Floor contains administrative offices, faculty offices, student support and counseling offices, teaching laboratory and building services.
Phase II is the Pharmacy Research Wing, an addition to the College of Pharmacy Phase I. It is four stories and +/-19,000 GSF. The building includes research laboratories and support infrastructure. It connects to the Phase I building with a ground floor foyer and multi-level glass encased bridge.